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151) Horst Fascher
Hamburg Germany
Monday, 14 May 2012 01:55 PM
Dear Mike and to your fantastic Band.

This is the first opportunity I have found since the Concert on the 13th of April to write and express my profound gratitude to you all for your contribution to making the 50th Anniversary of the opening of the Star Club such a resounding success.

I have been overwhelmed with requests for interviews, personal appearances and so on and have had no time until now. I want to say that the atmosphere at the concert was absolutely super and this was due in no small part to the excellent quality of the music and the enthusiasm and skill with which it was played and sung.

I would like to say a big, personal “Thank You” to each and every one of you for your part in this success and I shall remember it for the rest of my life. Maybe we shall have an opportunity to do something like this again if certain plans that I am now working on come to fruition.

Meanwhile the DVD and the CD of the concert are in the process of being edited and produced and you will all receive a copy of the first cut.

Yours sincerely, Horst Fascher and his Team

Horst Fascher - Star Club Creator
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